First Presbyterian Church of Howard Lake's Vision Statement is:
Aspiring to become a welcoming and nurturing community by serving all through worship, discipleship, ministry, and fellowship.
First Presbyterian Church of Howard Lake's Core Values are:
Welcoming: First Presbyterian Church of Howard Lake is committed to being a church where all people are genuinely welcomed. Our commitment to being welcoming means we invest time into getting to know one another, in holding one another in prayer, and in lending a helping hand. It also means we welcome you no matter where you are in your faith in God.
Sincere: We don't have all the answers. We are willing to wrestle with the many questions life presents. We recognize faith is about trusting in God. We welcome open and honest conversation. We can agree to disagree and still see one another as a brother or sister in Christ.
Generous: God is calling us to be generous with our lives. In responding to God’s call to be generous with our lives we strive to see the best in each other and ourselves. We extend our hands beyond the walls of our church into our community and world in a celebration of the richness of God’s love and blessing. We are generous with our time, our talents, and our resources because we hope to reflect the grace, peace, and justice of God to our world.
Faithful: We recognize God gifts us with tradition and renewal. As we seek to be rooted in tradition and open to renewal we are trying our best to follow God’s call in our lives by: sharing our own experiences of God’s love and grace, listening for God’s voice in our lives, celebrating Jesus’ grace, trusting in the Holy Spirit, and living in ways that reflect the realities of the kingdom of God.